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GCP Secret Manager

The setup steps covers the use of the managed version of the GCP Secret Manager as secrets manager but for the non-managed follow only the steps related to the Airflow server and CLI.

These are the permissions required in the service account to enable the GCP Secret Manager in OpenMetadata. We recommend to use the role named roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor to grant necessary permissions.

  • resourcemanager.projects.get
  • resourcemanager.projects.list
  • secretmanager.versions.access

We have to set up the secret manager provider we want to use, that in our case is gcp, and the credentials for our GCP information.

The changes to be done in openmetadata.yaml file of the OpenMetadata server are:

And these are the changes required in airflow.cfg of our Airflow instance:

As an alternative to editing the airflow.cfg file, we can also set the following environment variables:

If no parameters are provided for the GCP account, it will use Application Default Credentials (ADC). ADC will look for credentials in:

  1. Local development environment
  2. Cloud Shell or other Google Cloud cloud-based development environments
  3. Compute Engine or other Google Cloud services that support attaching a service account
  4. Google Kubernetes Engine or GKE Enterprise
  5. On-premises or another cloud provider

More info in Set up Application Default Credentials

After updating the configuration files, we are ready to migrate the secrets and restart both services.

In order to ensure that the current sensitive information is properly migrated to the Secrets Manager, you need to run the following command:

Make sure you are running it with the same environment variables required by the server.

If everything goes as planned, all the data would be displayed using the parameters names which starts with /openmetadata/... in your GCP Secret Manager console. The following image shows what it should look like:


Note: If we want to change the starting path for our secrets names from openmetadata to a different one, we have to change the property clusterName in our openmetadata.yaml. Also, if you inform the prefix value, it will be added before the clusterName, i.e., /<prefix>/<clusterName>/<key>

You can inform the tags as well as a list of strings [key1:value1,key2:value2,...]. These tags will be added to the resource created in GCP.

If you enabled the Secret Manager and you are using your own Airflow to run the ingestions, make sure to configure your YAML files as:

and follow the same environment variables to set up the Airflow configuration: