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Custom OIDC SSO for Kubernetes

Check the Helm information here.

Once the Client Id is generated, see the snippet below for an example of where to place the client id value and update the authorizer configurations in the values.yaml.

AUTHENTICATION_PUBLIC_KEYS and AUTHENTICATION_CALLBACK_URL refers to https://{your domain} this is referring to your OpenMetdata installation domain name and please make sure to correctly put http or https depending on your installation.

Once your server security is set, it's time to review the ingestion configuration. Our bots support JWT tokens to authenticate to the server when sending requests.

Find more information on Enabling JWT Tokens and JWT Troubleshooting to ensure seamless authentication.

  • If you are seeing the below trace in the logs, you need to add the discovery URL

To resolve the error regarding the discovery URL, you need to set the AUTHENTICATION_DISCOVERY_URI in your configuration. This URI is used to discover the OpenID Connect provider's configuration.