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Upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1

Upgrading from 1.0 to 1.1 can be done directly on your instances. This page will list few general details you should take into consideration when running the upgrade.

  • The 1.1 Release will be the last one with support for Python 3.7 since it is already EOL. OpenMetadata 1.2 will support Python version 3.8 to 3.10.
  • In 1.2 we will completely remove the Bots configured with SSO. Only JWT will be available then. Please, upgrade your bots if you haven't done so. Note that the UI already does not allow creating bots with SSO.
  • 1.1 is the last release that will allow ingesting Impala from the Hive connector. In the next release we will only support the Impala scheme from the Impala Connector.

With 1.1.0 we are moving away from global.* helm values under openmetadata helm charts to openmetadata.config.*. This change is introduce as helm reserves global chart values across all the helm charts. This conflicted the use of OpenMetadata helm charts along with other helm charts for organizations using common helm values yaml files.

For example, with 1.0.X Application version Releases, helm values would look like below -

With OpenMetadata Application version 1.1.0 and above, the above config will need to be updated as

A quick and easy way to update the config is to use yq utility to manipulate YAML files.

The above command will update global.* with openmetadata.config.* yaml config. Please note, the above command is only recommended for users with custom helm values file explicit for OpenMetadata Helm Charts.

For more information, visit the official helm docs for global chart values.

We now support ES version up to 7.16. However, this means that we need to handle the internals a bit differently for Elasticsearch and OpenSearch. In the server configuration, we added the following key:

If you use Elasticsearch there's nothing to do. However, if you use OpenSearch, you will need to pass the new parameter as opensearch.

If reusing an old YAML configuration file, make sure to add the following inside pipelineServiceClientConfiguration:

If you are using the Secrets Manager and running ingestions via the CLI or Airflow, your workflow config looked as follows:

We are removing the secretsManagerCredentials key as a whole, so instead you'll need to configure:

You can find further details on this configuration here.

Adding IAM role support for their auth requires a slight change on their JSON Schemas:

If we want to use the basic authentication:

Or if we want to use the IAM auth:

Now support GitHub and BitBucket as repositories for LookML models.

We are renaming the gcsConfig to gcpConfig to properly define their role as generic Google Cloud configurations. This impacts BigQuery, Datalake and any other source where you are directly passing the GCP credentials to connect to.

  • Pipeline Entity: pipelineUrl and taskUrl fields of pipeline entity has now been renamed to sourceUrl.
  • Chart Entity: chartUrl field of chart entity has now been renamed to sourceUrl.
  • Dashboard Entity: dashboardUrl field of dashboard entity has now been renamed to sourceUrl.
  • Table Entity: sourceUrl field has been added to table entity which will refer to the url of data source portal (if exists). For instance, in the case of BigQuery, the sourceUrl field will store the URL to table details page in GCP BigQuery portal.
  • Glue now supports custom database names via databaseName.
  • Snowflake supports the clientSessionKeepAlive parameter to keep the session open for long processes.
  • Databricks now supports the useUnityCatalog parameter to extract the metadata from unity catalog instead of hive metastore.
  • Kafka and Redpanda now have the saslMechanism based on enum values ["PLAIN", "GSSAPI", "SCRAM-SHA-256", "SCRAM-SHA-512", "OAUTHBEARER"].
  • OpenMetadata Server Docker Image now installs the OpenMetadata Libraries under /opt/openmetadata directory
  • Bumped up ElasticSearch version for Docker and Kubernetes OpenMetadata Dependencies Helm Chart to 7.16.3

With 1.1.0 version we are migrating existing test cases defined in a test suite to the corresponding table, with this change you might need to recreate the pipelines for the test suites, since due to this restructuring the existing ones are removed from Test Suites - more details about the new data quality can be found here.

As a user you will need to redeploy data quality workflows. You can go to Quality > By Tables to view the tables with test cases that need a workflow to be set up.