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dbt Workflow

dbt Integration

dbt Queries
dbt Lineage
dbt Tags
dbt Tiers
dbt Glossary
dbt Owner
dbt Descriptions
dbt Tests
Supported dbt Core Versionsv1.2 v1.3 v1.5 v1.5 v1.6 v1.7 v1.8

If we have the artifacts on the bucket MyBucket, the user running the ingestion should have, at least, the permissions from the following policy:

Note that it's not enough to point the resource to arn:aws:s3:::MyBucket. We need its contents as well!

Queries used to create the dbt models can be viewed in the dbt tab


dbt Query

Lineage from dbt models can be viewed in the Lineage tab.

For more information on how lineage is extracted from dbt take a look here


dbt Lineage

Table and column level tags can be imported from dbt

Please refer here for adding dbt tags


dbt Tags

Owner from dbt models can be imported and assigned to respective tables

Please refer here for adding dbt owner


dbt Owner

Descriptions from dbt manifest.json and catalog.json can be imported and assigned to respective tables and columns.

For more information and to control how the table and column descriptions are updated from dbt please take a look here


dbt Descriptions

Tests from dbt will only be imported if the run_results.json file is passed.


dbt Tests

Table and column level Tiers can be imported from dbt

Please refer here for adding dbt tiers


dbt Tiers

Table and column level Glossary can be imported from dbt

Please refer here for adding dbt glossary


dbt Glossary

For any issues please refer to the troubleshooting documentation here